Any business transformation requires a human transformation
The vast majority of transformations fail or fade because we have predominately focused on changing the more visible parts of the business strategies, systems and processes. The human dimensions are often underestimated or overseen.
There is another way...
The intersection of Business and Human Transformation presents enormous potential and value creation for both businesses and their people – if, and only if – they are seen as integral dimensions, strengthening and building on each other.
Human Transformation is our deep expertise. Our ability to work at the intersection of Human and Business Transformation is how we together with you co-create and implement solutions that have both an immediate and a lasting impact.
How can we help you?
Ignite Organizational Purpose
Resetting, creating or igniting a uniting force that reflects all your stakeholders.
Does your purpose guide and inspire you and your organization?
Transform Cultures & Organizations
Ensuring your culture feeds your strategy instead of eating it for breakfast.
Do you have a clear roadmap for your transformation that creates high impact?
Accelerate Personal Transformation
Making you resourceful, relevant and resilient for whatever comes.
Are you up for it?
Build Resilient Leaders
Equipping leaders to balance all stakeholder needs and serve the whole.
Are you ready to set a new standard for leadership?
Catalyze Effective Teams
Creating high-impact teams ready to solve complex challenges.
Do you have teams that will get you ahead of the game?

Transformational Capacity Program
Today’s new complex challenges cannot be solved with our old ways of doing things, and yet many of us keep trying with limited results.
Instead, you can build Transformational Capacity – the ability to listen, learn, and act in a new way. For you to see the opportunities in your challenges. Acting on them before competition.
Our Transformational Capacity Program preaches very little and practices a lot. It has your business challenges right in the center. Delivered in a scalable, cost-effective, and consistent way – fit to your needs, schedule, and learning preferences.
One organization. One approach.
In BreathingBusiness we consistently follow our tried and tested approach in what we design and deliver.
Click to explore: 1. Assess, 2. Build, and 3. Sustain