STEP SEVEN: I Manifest Impact – In Conversation with Marie Krüeger
- Written by Karen Tobiasen
- October 23, 2020
- Personal transformation, TenSteps
STEP SEVEN: I Manifest Impact – In Conversation with Marie Krüeger
In a series of conversations with fellow transformers, leaders and influencers, we want to introduce you to the Ten Steps of Transformation. You’re getting a sneak peek into how The Heart Revolution can be your companion through transformation: helping you transforming your work and organization, by transforming yourself. You can always start with the latest, go back to revisit the previous post in the series or catch-up from Step One.
For “Step Seven: I Manifest Impact”, I’m joined by Marie Krüeger who is a dear friend, CEO of Almi (who just came out as #1 in employee engagement in change and transformation!), and Kilimanjaro conqueror.
Step Seven: I Manifest Impact
What is Step Seven? Making a change in life is difficult, even when it is a positive one! What we have done has served us well up until now. It feels easier to return to old behaviors and habits with familiar rewards. Yet, we need to acknowledge when what has brought us here does not serve where we want to go.
Have you ever made a New Year resolution or a promise to yourself that you did not keep?
For Marie, transformation is not a choice but rather part of her set-up – a way of life. Sparked into lifelong learning when embarking on an Executive MBA education, she continues to explore ways to stretch herself and become a better version of herself also outside her comfort zone. As she says herself, it is with the wish to contribute better, by staying curious and in a learning mode, and add more value for family, friends, and in business.
This continuous learning mindset is something that Marie credits a lot to her 78 year old father who she shares has inspired her with his huge appetite to contribute and learn new things – and continues to inspire her to this very day.
In fact, it was him that invited her to join an adventure climbing Kilimanjaro. An experience that she recalls fondly as being a transformation in itself. Because it was a struggle, mentally and physically – especially the last six days as they approached the top Summit – and at the same time connected her and her father closer together. She captures I think how many of us can often feel about transformation and the experience when she says:
“I loved every part of it. And hated it!”
I’m touched by the warmth that radiates from her as she speaks of how he inspires her: wanting herself to one day be 78 and still not satisfied, wanting to continue to develop, learn new things, and transform. A mindset of still very much in the game.
And yet what we also see with transformation is that often insight and intention is not enough to carry it through – it requires practice to turn it into impact. This was also the case for Marie’s father. With all the drive and motivation to complete the climb, he recognized that he also had to build up the physical stamina to accomplish it and dedicated time to building this – through practice, practice, practice.
Marie also needed to practice, but her practice was different. Whereas her father practiced a lot his physical body, her practice had a lot more to do with her mind. She needed mental practice to build up an internal robustness to deal with the external conditions – the cold and unfavorable hygiene and sleeping facilities. Practice shows up in many forms, our mind just as trainable as our bodies
That said, it hasn’t always been the case that Marie would have had the runner’s fitness to help her up the mountain. Whilst she is now a routine runner, that hasn’t always been the case. It’s taken her some work to get here and the story of that work is one of my favorite stories when it comes to exemplifying the power of small actions building healthy habits and creating big change.
So years back, Marie found herself in a situation that I think a lot of us can relate to: she had a high ambition (in this case to become a habitual runner), and a lazy brain that was also afraid of leaving the status quo. What then determines whether the change happens is whether or not our high ambition (intent and insight) can overcome our lazy brain.
According to Marie when it came to running – her lazy brain won. So she reflected on a book she had read that guided her to reflect on what small promise she could make to herself that she felt she could stick to, instead for going for the big, scary commitment of running every day. So Marie decided to promise herself that no matter what excuse she may come up with – too dark, raining, no time – she would put on her running clothes and shoes and walk out to her mailbox just fifty meters away every morning.
Marie shares what she experienced:
“When you’re standing there at your mailbox, it’s nearly impossible to walk in. So, then I ask myself: why not run around the block? And then as I start running, I think: now I’m running, why not just run my normal track?”
And just like that, by breaking down a big change into a more bite-sized commitment to herself that she believed she could deliver on every day; Marie found herself becoming a runner. Taking her intent and insights into impact through practice.
I often use this example when I am met with concerns or skepticism about making change or transforming. Because as Marie also acknowledges:
“Change is hard!”
And yet through repeated practice, we can work with our body and minds to build habits that are healthier and more value-adding for us, friends, family, and business – that we don’t even think about or question, just like brushing our teeth.
Marie ends by sharing that she still struggles to build habits sometimes – meditation isn’t coming easy to her. But if I know anything about my friend, it’s that she will find a way. And I will fully support her in finding her ‘sneakers moment’ for this habit as well.
What is your ‘sneakers moment’ – the first small step you can take – in this change you want to make?
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